If you're trying to chat, add a word to your profile, or change your name, you may notice that the text displayed turns into a block of hashes. Please do not be alarmed; while these random characters appear to be some form of error, they are instead censorship.
This text censorship operates from Roblox's system, so it will be tagged out if it detects a word that shouldn't be said. Adopt Me is a game for players of all ages, so it undergoes heavy filtering. This means that words you wouldn't think need censoring because they are seemingly appropriate may be censored for other reasons.
In dedication to child welfare and safety, many real-life names and numbers are censored. This ensures that players do not give out personal identifiable information to those online. This may affect what you'd like to say. For example, if you want to put in your profile, "I've been playing since 2018," this will be censored.