On January 14th 2025, we made a change to how our trading window looks as well as added new symbols to help give you a better idea of who you are trading with.
What has changed?
When trading with a friend on your Roblox friends list, you will now see a new border around their name along with the text Verified Friend being displayed above their name. You can find an example of this below:
We have also changed the icons you would find next to Uplift Staff, Friends and Influencers to allow them to pop out more.
What do the different icons mean?
When trading with players you have three different icons you can see.
No Icon
If you see no icon, this means this player is not on your friends list, a member of the Uplift Games team or an Influencer. Always make sure you check these players carefully, they may not be who they say they are! You can, at anytime, select the arrow icon to the left of their name to view their Adopt Me Profile.
Smiley Face 
The smiley face icon shows that the person you are trading with is in your Roblox friends list. This will also be paired with the new border shown above and the Verified Friend text.
Purple Butterfly
The purple butterfly icon shows that the person you are trading with is a member of the Uplift Games team and play a role in the development of Adopt Me!
Gold Star
The gold star icon shows that the person you are trading with is a member of the Official Adopt Me Influencer Program. These influencers have gone through a verification process during their selection into the program.