Where can I spend my Bucks?

Modified on Tue, 4 Mar at 6:27 AM

There are all sorts of things you can spend your bucks on, and below goes into a lot of detail on what is currently available.

Please Note: We are constantly changing our shops and introducing new items while removing items too. Although we try to keep these articles as up-to-date as possible, some purchasable items listed may already be unobtainable with new items in their place. This article is just a guideline for all the many things you can spend your bucks on! 


Adopt Me! has many ways to express your personality, and one of the ways you can do this is through buying a house that suits you. Many of our houses can be bought through Bucks and Robux. This article shows you how you can purchase a new house

Furniture and Decoration

When you've bought your new house, you can spend even more bucks decorating and furnishing the place. Plenty of pieces are available to furnish your house how you'd like it. Just press "Edit House" and go wild! 

One special piece of furniture you can buy is a Box Lure for 750 Bucks, which you can use bait to obtain rewards from Bucks to accessories to even the legendary Blazing Lion. 

Another handy piece of furniture you should also buy is the Money Tree for 1450 Bucks, where you can harvest bucks every so often up to 100 bucks per 24 hours. Eventually, you'll make your money back, making it a worthwhile investment. Who says money can't grow on trees?

Gumball Machine and Eggs

Head into the Nursery, to the left room and you'll find 3 stalls and a gumball machine. Each of the NPCs at the stall sells their respective eggs at different Bucks prices, the Cracked Egg, the Basic Egg and the Royal Egg. The more expensive the egg, the better the odds of obtaining a legendary pet. 

The Gumball Machine sells its egg for 750 Bucks, which will grant you a themed egg. As the Gumball Machine updates the theme for its eggs every few months, and the egg prior only becomes obtainable through trading, these eggs can become highly sought after after a while. 

Bucks Pets

Outside of the Gumball Machine, you can purchase pets outright for Bucks. 

In the Camping Shop, you'll see the Possum on sale for 800 Bucks.

In the Beach Shop, the Mahi Mahi Rod is available to purchase for 600 Bucks, where you have the chance of obtaining a Mahi Mahi (78%), a Gold Mahi Mahi (20%) or a Diamond Mahi Mahi (2%). 

On top of this, in the Sky Castle, the happy little Grinmoire is available for 2500 Bucks.

Otherwise, we hold occasional updates where new pets can be purchasable for bucks for a limited time, examples of this are the Highland Cow and the Space Whale.


Toys fall under a mix of both human and pet toys, so this means you can purchase them in most shops. Here are some shops to go into to find toys:

  • Pet Shop
  • Baby Shop
  • Sky Castle
  • Seasonal shops are open during certain weather conditions (see Weather Rotation).
  • Camping Shop
  • Beach Shop

And most importantly, the best place to find toys to buy is in the Toy Shop!

Food and Drink

You should keep food and drink handy in your inventory for whenever your pets get thirsty and hungry. You can buy food and drink from almost anywhere, and the best places to go are:

  • The Coffee Shop
  • The Ice Cream Shop
  • The Green Groceries Shop

In the town centre, players will also place stands such as the Hotdog and Lemonade stand where you can buy food from them and help them earn bucks. 

By heading into the Baby Shop, Eda has some Baby Bottles and Formula on sale. Formula is more expensive at 20 Bucks, but it cures the hunger and thirst needs of all nearby babies and pets, so is a worthwhile spend. 

When you go camping, if you rent the Family Lodge for 200 bucks, inside, you can help yourself to free Marshmallows or a S'mores Cookie for 5 bucks.

Note: Before the Job Roleplay update, Pizza from the Pizza Parlour was purchasable with bucks. With the roleplay aspect, the Pizza is now free, so it hasn't been included on this list as you do not need to spend bucks.


In the town centre, you can find Santa selling Small, Big and Massive Gifts for bucks.  The larger the gift you buy, the better your odds of getting the legendary item. The signboard behind Santa displays what items you can expect to receive from the gifts, which are occasionally updated. 


Head to the Dress Up Menu, which can be found on the right-hand side of your screen. On the right-hand side again, you'll see icons for different categories of items your avatar can wear. Scroll down to the very bottom, where you'll find the Effects Category (second to the bottom).

You can purchase these effects using Bucks, making your avatar flashier than ever. Once you've bought one, you'll have access to it whenever you play Adopt Me! Give them a try!

Pet Wear

If you want to dress up your pet in the latest fashion trends, you'll need to pop to the Hat Shop, taking you to Bonny on Hat Island, which displays all the pet wear that can be bought that day. On sale for bucks also is the Standard Chest for 105 bucks which will grant you a random pet accessory.

Some of our Seasonal Shops open during particular weather rotations also sell pet wear.  


At the Baby Shop, Eda has a range of strollers on sale, so snoop around the shop and buy whichever one calls out to you.

Go into Green Groceries and pick yourself up a Shopping Cart Stroller for only 200 Bucks; now you have somewhere to place your pet so they don't go running off around the shop!


Have you met Rich in the Car Dealership? He's a bit snooty but sells a fantastic range of vehicles, from bikes to cars, boats, and even aeroplanes and helicopters! He says they're expensive, but I assure you they're reasonably priced. You can head to the dealership to see what transport mode takes your fancy.

You should check out the Beach Shop, too. Plenty of pieces are for sale, but one item stands out. Find the AirBoat at the back of the shop; it's hard to miss! Once bought, you can take it for a whirl out in the beach area. 

Take a look inside the Camping Shop, and you'll be able to find the Camping Van to take your camping adventures to the max.

In addition, while these are classed as vehicles in your inventory, they can also be considered toys, both the skates and the unicycle can be found in the Toy Shop. 

In the Weather rotations, we release seasonal shops with themed items relating to that particular weather. Head into these shops when they next appear and see if there is a vehicle you like!

Sky Castle Travel and Wing Chest

Up in the heights of the Sky Castle, you can buy the Standard Wing Chest for 600 Bucks. Go grab yourself a pair to decorate your pet with and make those flights around Adoption Island special. 

To get into the Sky Castle, you can travel up in Captain Arg's Hot Air Balloon ship, but it'll cost you 5 bucks!