How can I avoid accidental purchases?

Modified on Fri, 21 Feb at 5:46 AM

Currently, our Support team does not offer refunds for accidental purchases; therefore, you must be careful when making these purchases. As such, we ask that you review and follow the advice below to ensure you don't encounter a mistaken purchase for which you cannot be refunded. 


You should research an item before you purchase it.

You can check the journal for previews of items, especially pets, where you can see their neon and mega neon colours beforehand.

Houses allow you to tour them before purchasing to explore them for yourself before deciding.

We recommend joining our Discord server, as our community of knowledgeable players can help you decide whether to make a purchase. You must be 13 or older to access Discord.

Avoiding Autoclickers

We don't encourage using auto-clickers or similar macros. If this happens, our Support team cannot help you. You can find more about our stance on auto-clickers here.

Double Check Pop-Ups

Between each purchase button, a pop-up will always confirm that you want to purchase the item. This is a barrier to ensure you didn't accidentally click and are certain you want to buy.

Store Bucks

The best way to avoid spending Bucks is not to have any on hand. You can purchase a Build With Friends stand and store up to 10,000 Bucks. You can then disable the stand so that Bucks cannot be spent from it. Therefore, if you have less than 10,000 bucks, you can store it all and then retrieve it from your stand when you find something you really want to buy.

If you have more than 10,000 bucks, this method is still advised so you at least have some funds saved away and can guarantee you can't accidentally spend everything. 

Disconnect Saved Payment Methods

Removing any card details or payment methods from your Roblox account ensures that when you purchase a Robux item within the Adopt Me experience, it won't buy any Robux and charge your card immediately.