Why can't I join the Adopt Me Discord server?

Modified on Tue, 4 Mar at 6:35 AM

Wrong Invite

You may be unable to join the server if the invite link you are using is outdated. If you are trying to join the official Adopt Me Discord server, there is only one link you need to use. This is https://discord.com/invite/adoptme, which has our vanity link. No other links are available, as our members cannot create new links. 


If you were banned from our Discord server, no matter how long ago it was, you would not be able to access it. Currently, we do not accept ban appeals for our Discord server. To check if you were banned, you would have received a DM from the Discord Bot Dyno informing you of the reason for the ban. 

Sharing the same network as a banned user

If you are certain that you are not banned yourself, nor have any alternate accounts that may be banned, it is still possible that you are sharing the same network or IP as a user who has previously been banned. This will prevent you from accessing the server as Discord may believe your account is an alternate account. In these instances, you will need to join the server by changing your network, such as disconnecting from the WiFi and joining through your data instead. 

Server Limit

Discord has an imposed limit on how many servers a user can join. A regular member can join up to 100 servers. However, if you upgrade to Discord Nitro, you can access up to 200 servers. If you cannot join our server, this may be because these limits have been reached. So, we suggest you leave a server you no longer wish to be part of and join ours instead. 

To join our Discord server you must be over the age of 13 as per Discord's Terms of Service.