Losing all the pets on my second account

Posted about 1 month ago by Ice NEON

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Hello, my problem has been around for almost a year, around April 20-23, 2024, I (EMERALEDI) exchanged for adopt me with MIL_KA_123A78 and transferred absolutely all my pets to this account. This is my account, but I did not write down the password anywhere and forgot it, it is impossible to recover the data, because when I entered the password, I did not specify anything else. No one has ever logged into the account after April 27, 2024, and it is completely inactive, and my pets are still lying because access to the account cannot be restored. Therefore, dear developers, I really ask you to help me. Either restore the account or return my pets in some way. The roblox support service refused to restore the password, as there is no data that could confirm my words at least a little. In addition, milka's account is friends with MIL_KA_123A78, PLEASE HELP WITH MY PROBLEM. P.S.: Pets such as turtle, chocolate dragon, Arctic deer, Peppermint and many others were included in the deal. The transaction was made for entertainment purposes to play on another account.

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Steven Zachary posted about 1 month ago Admin Best Answer

Hey Ice NEON!

I edited your post to remove any personal information.

Unfortunately, we here at Uplift Games are unable to assist for a few reasons:

  • We are given no access to Roblox account information, including 2FA access, email, password, IP addresses, birthdays, real name, phone numbers or anything that can be used to identify an account owner.
  • As we cannot identify who owns an account as explained above, we also cannot offer transfers between accounts as a support service. 

I do understand that you were hoping for a different answer, however, we greatly appreciate your understanding.

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Damien Support posted about 1 month ago Admin

Hi there!

Unfortunately, we cannot accept that as evidence that the account is owned by yourself. There is no foolproof method of verifying account ownership that we have access to. As such, we cannot help with the transfer of these items under any circumstance. 

Please do not make purchases with any third-party pet selling site. You can find more about why we don't allow this here:  Can I use a website to purchase/sell Adopt Me items? - Adopt Me! 

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Ice NEON posted about 1 month ago

Is there any way to prove that the account belongs to me and the transaction that was made was also made between my accounts? There are only 2 friends on the KA_123A78 account, one of whom (EMERALEDI) is mine, with whom the transaction was made, which is proof that the EMERALEDI account belongs to me.Is it possible to make purchases with starpets.gg ?

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Steven Zachary posted about 1 month ago Admin Answer

Hey Ice NEON!

I edited your post to remove any personal information.

Unfortunately, we here at Uplift Games are unable to assist for a few reasons:

  • We are given no access to Roblox account information, including 2FA access, email, password, IP addresses, birthdays, real name, phone numbers or anything that can be used to identify an account owner.
  • As we cannot identify who owns an account as explained above, we also cannot offer transfers between accounts as a support service. 

I do understand that you were hoping for a different answer, however, we greatly appreciate your understanding.

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