The boombox thing still works with old saved custom audios- so why not try to take it back?

Posted about 1 month ago by Meow meowmeow

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Meow meowmeow
Meow meowmeow

Hello! I did experience the situation when the boombox stopped working due to a Roblox update, but I still do have saved audios that works fine to play on the boomboxes. So then there should be a way to somehow take back custom audios, right? Like just type in an id of an existing audio in the Roblox library like the boombox gears in other games. I know about the copyright issue but (almost) all audios on the Roblox library are free from copyright n that, and bringing the customer audio thing back would like be great for many, so why not? I’m not sure if it’s not how it works in this case, I just wanted to bring it up out of pure curiosity to know it it would work or not ( I know those audios are lame but that was me back in 2021 ish

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Meow meowmeow

Meow meowmeow posted about 1 month ago

I meant custom, not customer! lol

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