Adopt Me stopped banning?

Posted 5 days ago by HiNative

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I remember having an option to report exploiter/cross-trader with proof within the support page. I've been seeing cross-traders all over the platform "Tiktok" which is why I'm here to ask where is the option to report cross-trader (and also exploiters if possible)
Where do i report now? I am not scammed or hacked, i just want to report them for unfair advantage actions and agaist the Roblox TOS itself.

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Steven Zachary posted 5 days ago Admin Best Answer

Hey HiNative!

At this point in time, we do not have a Support option for Reporting Players. Currently, we are looking into a few factors with this option and will be looking at potentially bringing it back in the future in a more satisfying way to use.

In the meantime, as these players are violating Roblox TOS, we heavily recommend reporting their profile to Roblox's team.

Thank you for your dedication!

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Steven Zachary posted 5 days ago Admin Answer

Hey HiNative!

At this point in time, we do not have a Support option for Reporting Players. Currently, we are looking into a few factors with this option and will be looking at potentially bringing it back in the future in a more satisfying way to use.

In the meantime, as these players are violating Roblox TOS, we heavily recommend reporting their profile to Roblox's team.

Thank you for your dedication!

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