Update the Spray Paint system

Posted about 2 months ago by emeraldstar1637

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It's really annoying that not only is the spray paint selection very limited in terms of the color selection, but you can't choose what parts of the pet you want to color. It can only be colored in a pre-determined order that you aren't aware of until you spray paint several times and pay attention to what's changing, and because of that you can't easily choose what you want to paint and what you want to keep the same color (if you can at all). Some pets have non-neon colors outside of the spray paint selection so you can't even replicate those colors and it's very frustrating. Simply copying the advanced color palette version of the furniture section to a theoretical updated Spray Paint menu and allowing you to color parts of your pet independently without needing to go through a specific pre-determined order (basically a mixture of the dress up menu with the tilt to see the pet at other angles combined with a start menu similar to the pet needs for ease of use and to be able to see the pet as a whole instead of only one side or angle) would do wonders for even better expression of creativity and customization without arbitrarily limiting or complicating the process of making it. You could even feature this change as part of a new update in-between big events like Easter or Christmas in order to revitalize interest in an unfortunately irritating system. I just really hope the spray paint system gets overhauled like the needs system so it isn't as annoying to deal with.

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