2x Pro Pet Certificate

Posted about 2 months ago by Myxxxiii

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Hi, I posted a few days ago with this issue but I never saw it get posted/never got a response, so I'm posting this again. I don't know if this is a bug or if it's intentional, but I found it a bit strange. 

Usually, I'll get my orange tasks around the same time as friends or others in the server. For example, I'll get beach at the same time they get beach, or I'll get playground at the same time they do, etc. etc. It's always consistently like that. But, ever since purchasing the 2x Pro Pet Certificate, when I have 2 pets out, only one of them gets the orange task and the other one rarely ever gets in and also seems to get a lot less tasks. This is a bit disappointing as the whole reason I purchased this gamepass was so that I could grind quicker and easier in leveling up my pets and making bucks.

Is this intentional or is this a bug? Please fix it either way!! <3 Thank you!

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Steven Zachary posted about 2 months ago Admin

Hey Myxxxiiii!

When it comes to your alternate pet using the subscription or the Pet Handler Pro certificate, only the main pet will get the full amount of needs. The alternate pet will always get a lower amount of needs, which includes the Orange needs. 

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