Update Mega Pet colors

Posted 2 months ago by Tim

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Grave Owl and Rainbow Dragon are examples of great new multi-colored neon pets.  They look amazing.  Can mega pets now get some attention?  The color slide is mostly the same on all of them, and it is getting boring.  The new neons look better as neons than they do as megas.

Could we have it so that when you make a mega you get a confirmation box that lets you select from maybe 3 or 4 different special particle effects?  This would allow for even more pet variety as you could then have someone create a mega turtle with dark lightning effect, and someone else do mega turtle with rainbow hue effect for instance.

If that is too hard, could we have more variety like with the scarabs?  Gold scarab color slide is different from Blue Scarab color slide which is different from Black Scarab color slide... this makes them stand out among a sea of more common and boring mega pets that all have the same color slide.   It would be nice if more pets had varied mega color slides.  Or maybe a mega effect that was completely different from the standard color slide we currently have.

Just looking for a break from the ordinary.

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