Display stand bug

Posted 2 months ago by Prajapatiarvind542

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Hello Adopt Me Support 

I'm here to report a bug that is based on the display stands.Frstly I really think display stand's are one of the best item for build's that adopt me has given so far and the bug is that you can't put your favourite pet's/item's on the display stand 's and what do I mean by that is when putting a pet on the pet display stand the pet glitches and the front part of the pet gets raised up which makes it hard to put the pets on a flat surface and it only happen's if you reduce the size of the pet display to the smallest size you could do. And the second problem is when putting a gift box like the capuchin box on the display if you put 2 of those holdable item stand's the second one glitches and rotates itself to another direction which could significantly ruin a good build I do think this problem occurs because of the game doesn't seem to save the position of the items but this might only be for the holdable item stand the pet display might have a different problem. I do really hope this gets fixed really soon this has been around 3 months in the game and I was waiting when can it get fixed but it didn't and got even worse now. I really would appreciate it if it gets fixed really soon making the players not get their favourite build's get ruin because of a simple issue. I'll also send 4 pictures as a clear evidence you could clearly see what's the matter with these stands.

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