How do I do this?

Posted 3 months ago by Megan

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Hi Adopt me, Recently I was hacked and I've been trying all day to fix this problem but when I finish the questions the same thing comes up, How do I fix this so I can get my things back? Please respond as I've worked hard for all these pets and wish to get them back (Covered name for privacy,)

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Steven Zachary posted 3 months ago Admin Best Answer

Hey Megan!

In order to return Hacked Items, we need what we call a Proof of Hack email screenshot. This screenshot is a message from a human member of Roblox's Support team showing that the account was hacked and now restored. Here is an example of what this looks like: 

To get this, you must contact Roblox Support over at and let them know you believe your account was hacked and would like for them to review and restore access. This step is required even if your password was not stolen.

We do not accept:

- 2FA Emails

- Password Reset Emails

- Automated Roblox Support emails informing you that you have a ticket with their team

- Roblox Support emails asking you to verify ownership

- Roblox Support emails where they couldn't verify ownership

- Screenshots of Login Locations

Hope this helps!

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Steven Zachary posted 3 months ago Admin Answer

Hey Megan!

In order to return Hacked Items, we need what we call a Proof of Hack email screenshot. This screenshot is a message from a human member of Roblox's Support team showing that the account was hacked and now restored. Here is an example of what this looks like: 

To get this, you must contact Roblox Support over at and let them know you believe your account was hacked and would like for them to review and restore access. This step is required even if your password was not stolen.

We do not accept:

- 2FA Emails

- Password Reset Emails

- Automated Roblox Support emails informing you that you have a ticket with their team

- Roblox Support emails asking you to verify ownership

- Roblox Support emails where they couldn't verify ownership

- Screenshots of Login Locations

Hope this helps!

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